Vitamins for strength: the male alphabet - from A to Zn

Often, even young and healthy men report having difficulty with an erection. The general condition of the body is not satisfactory. There is no sense of joy in the morning, there is less energy, the power is barely enough to complete the simplest daily tasks. The reason for this is any lack of nutrients that are important for the body. By taking vitamins for potency, you can easily return to this state, sexual power and tone.

What is important for potency?

Erection and ejaculation are visible manifestations of a complex hidden from the mechanism of the reproductive system, mainly the eyes. In order to have sexual intercourse, an impulse must be formed in the cerebral cortex of a man - a signal for a stimulus (partner, fantasy, image). Then it travels along the nerves to the heart, blood vessels, stimulates the release of hormones - the whole body begins a team game.

Complete erection and orgasm is not possible without:

  • Psychogenic conditions (sympathy for the partner, an acceptable environment for men, etc. );
  • Sufficient health of a person;
  • Stimulation of the genitals.

Penile cavity is often the result of unfavorable external factors. If a man had an argument with his partner the day before or was having trouble (very noisy, cold, relatives crossing the wall through the bedroom), the erection may not be visible, it may disappear during coitus. Hormonal background, blood vessels, condition of the heart are important. Even pain in a damaged knee can sometimes be a fiasco.

Factors affecting potency

What factors reduce the potential

A person's lifestyle and body condition play a big role. Most harmful to potency:

  1. Alcohol use, especially beer.
  2. To smoke.
  3. Use of drugs, including "light", "club".
  4. Constant stress.
  5. Chronic sleep deprivation, poor quality sleep.
  6. Unbalanced, unsystematic food.
  7. Lack of physical activity.
  8. Excessive use of very heavy loads.
  9. Frequent change of sexual partners.

Any of these factors can cause an erection to not be as smooth as before. If you add to them chronic and infectious diseases, especially neglected diseases, the risk of potential problems will increase.

Basics of proper nutrition for men

foods to increase strength

It is optimal to get most of the vitamins and minerals from food; synthetic complexes cannot be taken continuously for months. In order for the body to be saturated with essential nutrients, the diet should consist of the following foods:

  • Poultry, lean pork, beef, offal;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Eggs;
  • Dairy products;
  • Vegetables, berries, herbs, fruits;
  • Hazelnuts, honey;
  • Cereals (cereals).

Meals should be evenly distributed throughout the day and portions should not be too large. Products that can be eaten without heat treatment, it is recommended to eat raw. Meat, fish, cook, cook, but do not fry.

Pay special attention to zinc. Under the influence, the body of men produces the most important sex hormone - testosterone, which affects the level of libido, which improves sperm composition. Zinc is found in large quantities in meat, bran, pumpkin seeds and nuts.

All food waste should be excluded or minimized - foods that contain small amounts of vitamins, nutrients, but are rich in salt, fat, liquid smoke, spices, preservatives, flavor enhancers:

  • industrial juices, sweet drinks;
  • confectionery;
  • sausage, sausage;
  • pizza, pasties, sausages;
  • mayonnaise and factory sauces;
  • crackers, snacks;
  • smoked meats.

A full-fledged different diet will be a constant source of components necessary for a strong strength for a man's body. It is important to drink 1-1, 5 liters of water a day.

Importance of vitamins for male potency

vitamins for male strength

All vitamins are needed by the body in sufficient quantities to ensure the normal functioning of systems and organs. Some, such as vitamin D, are produced by humans themselves. You only need to walk in sunny weather, but the vast majority still come from abroad.

  • Vitamin AIncreases immunity, participates in the formation of antibodies that protect against bacteria and infections in the urinary and reproductive systems, which can be a trigger for inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • B group vitaminsImprove the work of the heart muscle, is good for blood vessels. With the help of men, you can improve spermatogenesis, build muscle mass, which is directly related to testosterone levels, and increase sexual endurance.
  • Vitamin CGood for blood, normalizes quality, circulation. It is the prevention of cancer, is involved in the synthesis of many hormones.
  • Vitamin Econtributes to infertility caused by insufficient sperm count, motility or abnormal shape. Prevents the formation of sticky platelets that cause vascular disease, stimulates testosterone synthesis.
  • Vitamin DRelieves premature ejaculation, is important for the endocrine system, bone growth.
  • Vitamin Kis responsible for how a person's blood clots. Under the influence of the kidneys function normally, oxidation processes occur.
  • Vitamin FIt is useful for the walls of blood vessels, participates in lipid metabolism, ensures the entry of nutrients into the tissues of the body, increases reproductive capacity.
  • Vitamin HIt is indispensable for metabolic reactions, allows the assimilation of ascorbic acid, maintains blood glucose levels, participates in the gas exchange of the respiratory system, prevents premature aging.

If the body is provided with a regular and complete set of vitamins, it can actively resist stress, stress, infections. Although some vitamins do not have a direct effect on the reproductive system, deficient overall health will not be 100%.

What vitamins should be chosen to improve potency and when?

what vitamins are needed for good strength

You can find many products on the shelves of pharmacies individually or in complexes that differ in composition and price. When does a man need to take and take vitamins?

  1. Before, during or after a stressful period. For example, if exams are planned, a change of job is planned, it is better to take the drug in advance.
  2. With active training.
  3. In January-March. At the moment, vegetables and fruits have less vitamins, the weather changes, the effect of the transferred cold. It's time to strengthen your immune system.
  4. Surgery after a serious illness (consult a doctor).
  5. If a couple is planning a pregnancy.
  6. General decrease in tone, lethargy, apathy.

It is better to take a complex than to take vitamins separately. Not all are "friends" with each other, and many of the finished medications are already balanced. You can drink them no more than 2 times a year for 1-2 months. 200-250 ml of clean water is recommended for breakfast. They differ only in cost and the picture on the package. The composition of the complexes is different, it is useful to change them.

What are vitamins for male strength: a list of drugs

Vitamins are given without a prescription, but it is better to consult a doctor before buying. There is no point in guiding the price when making a choice. It often consists of the main part of economic factors (shipping, customs, advertising, etc. ).

However, one complex shows zinc sulfate, another - picolinate and the third - citrate. The key word for the average person and most pharmacists will be sink. And the trick is that picolinate is most fully absorbed by the body. Doctors understand this better than pharmacy workers.

Side effects and contraindications

Most vitamin complexes are completely safe if you do not exceed the level indicated by the manufacturer. Also, do not drink them more than once every six months. Too many vitamins in the body will inevitably lead to a deficiency in others. It is worth remembering that this is a drug.

As with tablets that do not have a "chewable" label, the capsules must be swallowed without chewing. You should drink clean water. The exception is iron, vitamin C helps the body "absorb", you can use it with sour water. If there is one person:

  • allergies;
  • individual intolerance to vitamin preparations;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic diseases;
  • any disease in the acute stage

You will need to consult a doctor to choose a medication and adjust the course duration and daily dose as much as possible.
In atypical reactions of the body - rapid heartbeat, rash, itching, shortness of breath, the drug is stopped before consulting a doctor. In severe cases (anaphylactic shock) call an ambulance.

Reasonable use of high-quality, masculine vitamins and dietary supplements enhances health and sexual potency. This is a good prevention of nervous and physical fatigue, many diseases. The reward for caring for your body will be long lasting strength and a strong erection.